About the Catalog Analysis Tool

The Catalog Analysis lane is a tool that allows you to view one of your catalogs or collections though the lens of specific Stock Analysis, and according to the Shelf Days Measure, meaning that you can see within that grouping of titles, how your account performed with each title, which titles they did not bring in, and view market data for those titles to see if you can prove that they should have brought them in to teach them an abject lesson… (kidding).


The best part here is that while you can view your publisher’s seasonal catalogs, you can also create your own custom catalogs of whatever titles you like (Collections) and measure those titles. The possibilities there are pretty unlimited. You can create a Collection of titles on which you offered co-op, and measure how well those titles do. Rep Pick Collections, newsletter title Collections, event titles Collections…

In the Stock Analysis tool, you can slice and dice your accounts’ stock by a large number of bibliographic filters, and to measure those results. The Catalog Analysis allows you to go beyond those sorts of filters, in a sense, and measure more esoteric sorts of title groupings. You can measure how your publisher’s entire fall season performed in your accounts. Anything you’d like to measure is fair game here. Ultimately, such things can only help you become better at providing the titles that your customers sell.