About the Most Popular Titles Lane

This tool is designed to show your most popular titles in a particular market, how your accounts are stocked with those titles, as well as how those titles are performing in those accounts. You’ll be able to see which of your titles are the current best-selling titles.

That brings up a point that we always try to emphasize: We consider Analytics to be a descriptive, rather than a prescriptive tool.  We’ll show you what’s going on, but we don’t tell you what to do, so to speak. You know what sells in your accounts better than anyone, but helping your accounts make those  decisions with as much information as possible can only be a helpful thing.

This tool gathers an aggregated list of titles in the market you’ve selected. You choose how many titles you want to see, as well as the time frame for the tool to use. If you’d like to see what’s “hot” right this minute, you can set a time frame of a month. If you’d like a longer view, you can looks at activity for the last 6 or 12 months.


The tool will take these parameters you’ve set, and portion the resulting list of titles according to your account’s own performance, based on the Shelf Days measurement for each title. So you can see, for example, of the top 100 selling titles across a market, what a store has in stock, what’s doing well, and what’s not doing so well. It can be interesting to see that a title might be doing incredibly well across the market but languishing at a specific account. This could be because it’s just not the sort of title that does well with their community, or it could be a very simple display issue, both of which can be quite illuminating. And which of the top-selling titles are they not stocking? Is this because they don’t want to stock them, or because they didn’t know they existed? If it’s because they’ve decided to not stock them…this is an opportunity to help them reevaluate that decision.
