Using Saved Filters and Refinements

You can quickly place a Refinement for BISAC categories or your own personal Collections using the interface on the left hand side of your Analytics page. You can select a single refinement or select multiple refinements at once, if you like.

 Besides BISAC categories, you can choose to refine the Analytics tools by one of your Collections, which will allow you to measure how your accounts perform with a very specific list of titles, whether to help them position their stock for upcoming holidays, for example, or to measure how they did with your titles after a promotion, etc.

You can also create an endless variety of Saved Filters to use throughout Edelweiss, including within the Edelweiss Analytics tools. These can be a simple “Kids Only” filter that will only show kids titles, or a more complex “Hardcover literary fiction that comes out next week,” or “Categories that do well in Colorado” based on your knowledge of your Colorado accounts’ strengths. Essentially, you can create a filter to measure whatever you would like to measure, and then apply those filters to the many tools available to analyze the market and your own accounts by those attributes.

Click on Apply Saved Filter in the left hand menu to see an interface in which you can create and view your filters. (See a complete tutorial about Saved Filters in Edelweiss here.)


Click on Add New Filter to create a filter set, or click Edit Filter to update or fine-tune an existing filter:

You can use a number of different parameters to create your filters, including Publisher/Imprint, Publication date, your shops’ POS category codes, (BIC Subject, for UK booksellers) or BISAC, Format, and more.


Click the + next to the elements you’d like to include, or the – next to the elements you’d like to exclude. The down arrow there will show you additional filters where relevant.


When it’s ready, simply name it and save it.


Once created, you can use that saved filter, wherever you like in Edelweiss. For our purposes here, you can especially use them when viewing the Analytics tools. Select a filter as shown below to apply that filter to each lane:

In the image above, this filter includes Mystery/Thriller titles, so the Not Yet Released lane, for example, might be showing the top 200 upcoming mysteries, and whether your selected account has them on order or not.

Alternately, you can see, among Mystery titles, how your titles are performing overall for an account:

So, all on one page, you can see both upcoming and current mystery titles that your account is missing, as well as titles that are stale and could easily be returned to make room for titles that may sell better.

You can even share your Saved Filters with your colleagues. This is especially useful if you have a rather complicated set of filters that you’d like everyone on your team to use. Once a filter is created and saved, you’ll see this “Shared” option:

Filters that have been shared with you will show below your personal Saved Filters: