Why Edelweiss Analytics?

These tools are aimed at helping you analyze stock at your Analytics-subscribing accounts to help ensure that all those books on their shelves are working for them (and for you), rather than simply taking up valuable space.  Analytics is a somewhat unique collaborative analysis tool, in that you’ll be able to see an aggregated list of bestselling titles, most ordered not-yet-published titles, and more, from your Analytics-using accounts. You’ll be able to see market performance data for your titles, as well as specific performance at specific accounts/locations.

We consider Analytics to be a descriptive, rather than a prescriptive tool.  We’ll show you what’s going on, but we don’t tell you how to react, so to speak. You know the needs of your publisher and your accounts better than anyone, but making those decisions with as much information as possible can only be a helpful thing. The idea is to allow for smarter inventory management, and to allow the measurement of these activities. Truly, if you’re not able to measure or track an activity, you’re less able to fix any problems or, frankly, to even know if a problem exists.